Capturing the Beauty
of Everyday Moments
in Switzerland and Beyond

Hi, I’m Osan Bilgi, a photographer based in the beautiful landscapes of Switzerland. My passion lies in capturing everyday moments with a touch of nostalgia. I believe in getting it right in-camera, keeping post-processing to a minimum to truly preserve the essence of the moment.

I love to travel and meet new people; these experiences are my creative fuel. They offer fresh perspectives that deeply influence my work. I also enjoy connecting with fellow photographers, sharing my film recipes and techniques, and finding inspiration through these shared journeys.

My Personal Fujifilm Recipes for Filmic Colors Straight Out of the Camera.

Shooting with Fujifilm recipes isn't just fun; it can take your workflow to new heights. Whether for personal projects or commercial shoots, in-camera film simulations offer endless creative options. Editing becomes a choice, not a necessity. My carefully crafted recipes provide versatile solutions for almost any situation.