My Advice for Shooting Fujifilm Recipes

This blog post aims to offer simple advice on shooting recipes straight out of the camera and maximizing their potential.

Understand Light

Light is a crucial ingredient for a recipe to work out. Study light and grasp its concept. "A Lesson in LIGHT" by Roman Fox is an excellent YouTube video that delves into this topic. It's the only video I ever watched on this subject, and it has immensely helped me in my photographic journey.

Calibrate Your EVF and LCD

One of the most important steps is to calibrate the EVF and LCD to match the screen where you'll be viewing your images. This ensures that what you see while shooting is what you'll get in your final photos. To do this, load some images onto your chosen device and display them side by side with your camera's EVF and LCD. Adjust the settings until they match.

Use Aperture Priority Mode

Even if you're not a beginner, using Aperture Priority mode can save you a lot of time. It allows you to quickly adjust the brightness of your images using the exposure compensation wheel, while still giving you a tactile and intuitive shooting experience.

Seamlessly Switch Between Recipes

Assign a wheel on your camera to rotate through your recipes seamlessly. This saves time and makes it much easier to find the perfect recipe for each shot.

Forget About the Exposure Compensation Value

If your EVF and LCD are correctly calibrated, you won't need to rely on anything else to nail the exposure every single time. Take your time while composing the image and use your eyes to expose correctly. Trust your vision.

Shoot with the Mindset to Nail it in Camera

Don't rush if you see something interesting. Taking your time is what will make the image stand out. Analyze the scene and use your surroundings to guide the eyes of the viewer to your subject. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you look funny or weird while taking an image.

Trust the Camera's JPEG Capabilities

Just like with editing, shooting recipes straight out of the camera will take time to learn. While Fujifilm cameras handle colors adeptly, mastering this process won't happen with the first image you take.

Shoot JPEG + RAW

Capture both JPEG and RAW files with Fujifilm cameras to experiment with different recipes using the in-camera processor. This allows you to try out different recipe ideas and ensures optimal settings for printing your images later.


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